It is the start of winter, but spring will be here soon enough. Therefore, planning to attend the Spring Bird Walks should be a priority. This six week series starts in April and ends in May, has locations around the Cleveland Region and is described here. I lead in Bedford Reservation and below is my program description.
Join us to witness the grand emergence of avian springtime. Spectacular warblers in breeding plumage will flit about in trees. Powerful raptors, such as Bald Eagles and Red-tailed Hawks, will fly gracefully overhead. Breeding birds will compete for territory as nesting commences. These pleasures and much more will be experienced on these weekly walks. No experience is required, only an enthusiasm for nature. Some binoculars are available for loan.
Hemlock Creek Picnic Area, Bedford Reservation
Sundays – April 16, 23, 30 and May 7, 14, 21.
7:30 AM Start Time